Teaching and learning material from the areas of business, tourism, technology, and social and medical occupations.
German for children
Courses for GFL learners aged 4-10 and for those wishing to support children in their GFL learning in a way that is fun and in line with the latest methodological and didactical findings.
German for young people
Young people have a very specific way of learning which differs in many respects from the way in which adults and children learn.
Further materials
DaF-Bibliography (KomBiOn)
The commented bibliography KomBiOn helps you to find literature for teaching German as a Foreign language, study and exam materials.
The Common European Framework provides a common basis for the elaboration of lan-
guage syllabuses, curriculum guidelines, examinations, textbooks, etc. across Europe.
European Profiling Grid (EPR)
Das EPR unterstützt Sprachlehrende in ihrer professionellen Weiterentwicklung. Es ist ein Instrument, das zentrale Kompetenzen von Sprachlehrenden über sechs Entwicklungsphasen darstellt.
„Profile deutsch“ beschreibt für Deutsch als Fremdsprache und Deutsch als Zweitsprache die handlungsorientierten Anforderungen der Niveaustufen des Gemeinsamen Europäischen Referenzrahmens mit konkreten Beispielen.