Deutschkurse A1–C2

Lernen Sie Deutsch mit einem Deutschkurs des Goethe-Instituts – in den Palästinensischen Gebieten, in Deutschland oder online.

Teilnehmende im Klassenraum © Sonja Tobias/Goethe-Institut


Experienced teaching ensures your successs

The French-German Cultural Institute in Ramallah is now called Kultur Ensemble and offers a "Third Place" for informal meetings, creative ideas and collective projects.

  • A suitable solution for every need
  • German courses for all levels
  • Internationally recognised language certificates

Frequently asked questions

Haben Sie Fragen? Die Antworten auf die wichtigsten Fragen finden Sie in unserem FAQ.

Terminvergabesystem © Goethe-Institut Jordanien

Current Projects

Can a Story Ripple?

‘‘Can a Story Ripple?’’ is a review of excerpts from Radio Atheer’s journey. A narrative experienced by artists, musicians, journalists, and writers from Palestine.

KERN (Kultur Entrepreneurial Resources Network)

The Goethe-Institut in Palestine is developing a new programme for grants and support of the Palestinian cultural landscape for 2024. We are hereby warmly inviting Palestinian artists, designers, cultural entrepreneurs and cultural workers to be part of developing this programme under the title: KERN, Kultur enrichment resources network.

Kultur Enrichment Resources Network © Goethe-Institut


The Al-Ghussein House is a historic building in the heart of the Gaza Strip and a remarkable example of late Ottoman architecture in the Palestinian territories. In 2020, the Goethe-Institut Ramallah initiated the reconstruction of the historic landmark to preserve it as an outstanding example of Gaza's cultural and architectural heritage.

Al Ghussein House © Ismail Abu Hatab © Ismail Abu Hatab

Visit us Goethe-Institut Palestinian Territories


Al-Salam Street
Ramallah, West Bank
Palestinian Territories



+972 2 2981922

German Courses in Ramallah

+972 595849000

Opening Hours

Sunday-Thursday: 9 AM – 7 PM
Sunday-Thursday: 9 AM - 7 PM
Sunday - Thursday: 9 AM - 4 PM
French-German Cultural Institute Ramallah © Marco Heyda/includi

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