The Goethe-Institut has been working closely and trustfully with the EU institutions for many years. The Goethe-Institut Brussels is the Goethe-Institut's liaison to the European institutions and the European and international organisations and networks based in Brussels.
As a partner and contractor of the EU, the Goethe-Institut implements EU-funded projects and provides impetus for shaping international cultural and educational work at the European level. In 2021, the Goethe-Institut successfully completed the EU Pillar Assessment and can therefore implement EU funds in the context of indirect management.
The EU Liaison Office supports Goethe-Instituts worldwide in the preparation of EU applications. It provides information on current funding opportunities and supports the institutes in the preparation of EU applications from the conception of ideas to the signing of contracts. This includes project funding applications (EU grants), service contracts (EU tenders) and funding applications for indirect management.
We are involved in various networks and initiatives at the European level:
EUNIC - European National Institutes for Culture - is the independent European network of national cultural institutes working internationally in the field of culture and education. Members of the network include independent
Cooperation with european networks
We are involved in various networks and initiatives at European level:
EUNIC - European National Institutes for Culture - is the independent European network of national cultural institutes working internationally in the field of culture and education.Members of the network include independent national cultural institutes, foreign and cultural ministries and development cooperation organisations. Together they aim to build trust and understanding between the countries of Europe and between Europe and the world through cultural exchange, and to strengthen the contribution of culture and education in international relations.
Contact: dir-bruessel@goethe.de
With the completion of the Pillar Assessment, the Goethe-Institut has joined the Practitioners' Network for European Development (PN). The Practitioners' Network is open to national development cooperation organisations from EU member states that have successfully completed the Pillar Assessment.
Contact: Simone Rudolf (simone.rudolf@goethe.de)
The Goethe-Institut Brussels is currently implementing several EU-funded projects in the field of culture and language. You will find an overview of these projects below. For the latest news on the projects and detailed information, please consult the linked project pages.
EU-funded cultural projects of the Goethe-Institut Brussels:
- Creative FLIP: The project aims to create constructive and sustainable framework conditions for cultural and creative industries in Europe. FLIP stands for Finance, Learning, Innovation and Intellectual Property (IP).
- Culture Moves Europe: Through the European Cultural Mobility Project, grants are awarded to arts and culture professionals and host organisations. Eligible fields are architecture, cultural heritage, design and fashion design, literature, music, visual arts and performing arts
- Cultural Relations Platform: The Platform supports the European Union in promoting international cultural relations in a variety of ways.
- Halaqat: The multifaceted relations between Europe and the Arab world are to be strengthened through Halaqat.
- Voices of Culture: This project focuses on improving communication between civil society actors and policy makers in the field of culture.
- StartNet: The aim is to enable a mutual exchange between the actors concerned on best practices in the field of youth unemployment in order to prevent it and facilitate the transition from education to work for young people.