That is what we will learn at the Common Waste – Common Libraries project. We will together explore creative and practical ideas in topics such as sustainability, waste prevention and circular economy.
In our ecosystems there is no waste: everything is interconnected and rounding in circles. It is one of the basics, one of the principles, a pattern in the web of life on our planet. It is rooted in the sustainability of our planet. To understand this web of life, our ecosystems, but also our role within it, our connectivity and our responsibility we need more information and know-how about relationships within this triangle sustainability – waste reduction – circular economy. Common Waste is intended to expand knowledge and strengthen sustainable, environmentally conscious behaviour in society.
In our ecosystems, there is nothing like an isolated unit. Therefore, we consider that these questions are not just a matter of any individual. Yes, everything starts with us, but nothing ends. Questions and solutions, ideas and innovative approaches that we want to raise through this project are a matter of collective or teamwork. By working in teams, and with the support from the mentors, we will create a concrete ideas and actions to improve situation in waste area or to use circular economy approach to strengthen sustainability.
Our actions nourish a global view on horizon, but are based in our local communities, places where we work and live, places where we can be active citizens. And we consider libraries as places of and for local communities. Places where we can get information and educate ourselves, places where we can meet each other and discuss important things. Places where we act together to make this world a better place to live. Our common places.