Tasks and objectives
As the globally active cultural institution of the Federal Republic of Germany, we advocate for understanding between Germany, Europe and the world. The framework agreement with the German Federal Foreign Office is the foundation for this work. Worldwide, we provide information about the cultural and societal diversity of Germany and Europe. 151 Goethe-Institutes in 98 countries together with numerous partner institutions form the basis of our global network. The Federal Foreign Office supports our work institutionally. As a registered charity we operate autonomously on a legally independent basis and are not affiliated to any political party. We generate around a third of our revenue ourselves through income from language courses and examinations. We also receive support from the European Union (EU), further German federal ministries as well as foundations and companies in Germany and abroad.
We contribute to establishing the German language in the educational systems of the guest countries. We support over 100,000 schools worldwide in giving high-quality German tuition and promote the advanced professional training and qualification of teachers of German. Furthermore, we offer languages courses ranging from general German courses to prevocational language courses and seminars to raise societal and cultural awareness. Our services include online courses and autonomous learning programs. Every year more than half a million people sit a German examination at a Goethe-Institut or one of our cooperation partners. With a wide range of educational and information programs, we support in particular students and skilled workers from abroad on their route to Germany.
We believe in the potential of international cultural exchange. Our approximately 20,000 cultural events per year take place in partnership with governmental and non-governmental institutions and initiatives from civil society in our guest countries. We qualify, advise and interlink cultural professionals and support the development of sustainable structures in the cultural and creative economy by advanced training measures for cultural entrepreneurs or the internationalization of creative companies. With our residence programs, partnerships and co-productions, we promote the networking of cultural professionals around the globe. We offer stakeholders from civil society a protected space and scope for a sincere exchange of views. We do not break off democratic dialogue, even in difficult times. In our work we orientate ourselves towards the values of a democratic, liberal society governed by the rule of law.
Via our digital information and educational programs in more than 60 languages and a network with 87 libraries, we offer a space to learn, meet up and participate. We use innovative technologies, seize the opportunities of digitalization and, at the same time, reflect on their implications for people and society. Through diverse formats such as information trips for multipliers, specialist exchange between experts, youth exchange programs and international festivals we enable communication on a worldwide basis.
The Goethe-Institut in Belgium
We are …
... Germany in Belgium:
The two neighbouring countries have a lot in common: They have been committed together to building the European Union since it was founded. Today, a spirit of friendship defines the political relationship between Belgium and Germany, and they work closely together economically. The Goethe-Institut Brussels wants to strengthen relations in the cultural sphere too through multifaceted exchanges, as well as interest in German, Belgium's third national language.
... more language:
Our language programme offers group and individual courses with intensive and varied language training. In addition to our standard courses for adults, we also have special courses such as German literature, writing workshops and children's courses. All our teachers are highly qualified native speakers. The examinations of the Goethe-Institut for all language levels of the Common European Framework of Reference are recognised worldwide.
Under the "Bildungskooperation Deutsch" (German Educational Cooperation), we support German teachers with further training, for instance. We work together with schools, universities, the German Teachers' Association and educational authorities in Belgium to promote the German language here. We also provide teaching and promotional material.
... More culture:
Experience the current German cultural scene: We make this possible through events in the fields of film, art, literature, music, dance and theatre. Here, art and artists, minds and intellectuals from Germany meet in dialogue with Belgium and Europe. We endeavour to take up and present topical issues.
... more information:
We provide a comprehensive picture of Germany with a special focus on intercultural aspects through a wide range of information. We shed light on current topics from a German and Belgian perspective in special web features. On our website, Facebook and in newsletters we provide information on language and cultural programmes, contacts to German-speaking institutions on site as well as press releases.
... Germany in Europe:
The Goethe-Institut Brussels is located in the heart of the European Quarter. We are active on a European level in three respects:
- as a member of the EU National Institutes of Culture (EUNIC) we implement joint cultural projects
- as a liaison office to the European institutions, we represent and support the worldwide network of the Goethe-Institut
- as a regional institute we manage the work of the 18 Goethe-Instituts in France, Italy, Luxembourg, Portugal and Spain from Brussels.